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The Vision Plan

Beginning in the Fall of 2006, Daytona Beach sponsored creation of a VISION PLAN for our city. More than 1,800 citizens, residents, workers, business owners or full-time students in Daytona Beach actively participated in public visioning meetings. The purpose of these meetings was to share ideas about where the City of Daytona Beach should be going over the next 20 years. At its conclusion, the information they provided to the Vision Steering Committee was developed into an overall vision statement, six vision areas and numerous implementation strategies, all of which are presented in the vision plan. 


Since then, few of the ambitions for positive change in the City in this plan have come to fruition. It's time to dust off this carefully prepared report and ask our Commissioners to take meaningful steps toward implementing the vision that the CITIZENS have for the future of Daytona Beach.

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